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Why COVID-19 Will Not Mean the End of the STI Epidemic (and May Make It Worse)
Principles of STI/HIV Research and Public Health Practice Course 2020 - Tom Quinn
Preventing STIs While Ending the HIV Epidemic: Concordant Goals in People Living with/at Risk of HIV
STDP2020 - COVID 19 and STI Prevention A Panel Discussion
The intersection of COVID-19 mitigation measures and STI prevention and control
What Will It Take to End the HIV Epidemic: A Transmission Model of 32 US Cities
SAC2020 Day 1 Plenary: COVID-19 & Its Impact on HIV/STI
The Development of a Molecular Vaccine for Chlamydia
COVID-19 BBV and STI Sector Briefing - 19 March 2020
CROI 2022 Update: Highlights in HIV and COVID-19 Epidemiology and Prevention​
STDP2020 - STI Care
I'm Vaccinated, Now What? Health & Wellness in a Post-Pandemic World